Category: Information

colorful garden and beautiful landscaping

The ROI of Great Landscaping

Beautifying your landscape doesn’t just improve your curb appeal and make you the envy of the neighborhood, it can also significantly increase resale value of your home. Rather than starting inside with expensive home remodels that can leave you without access to your kitchen, bathroom or family room, a better option to explore that provides great ROI is landscaping and hardscaping your property. President-elect of the National Association of Realtors, Walt McDonald, said back in 2003: “When people ask me how they can get strong interest in their property, I always tell them to fix up their landscaping…if a homeowner is reluctant to do it, I tell them they won’t get top dollar.” Even though the quote is more than a decade old the amazing part is that it still holds true, if not even more so in today’s market.

well designed landscape seating areaIf you’re looking for a specific number to expect with regard to ROI for your unique project, you won’t find it. If you do, it’s merely speculation. Your location, the market, nearby neighbor’s landscapes, and potential homebuyer’s preferences are just a few of the many variables that will factor into what you can expect to get back when you do resell your home. One thing that is for certain though, the only way to maximize your ROI on a landscaping or hardscaping project is to have a well designed and installed landscape. Continue reading

7 Rules Landscaping Contractors Must Follow

A landscaped patio/deck areaMany homeowners are unaware of the protections granted to them when it comes to hiring a landscaping company to do work around the home. The fact is any job between $500 and $50,000,000 that includes work on a structure around the home must follow the same laws that a general home contractor would. This includes projects like installs, replacements, improvements or construction of things like driveways, porches, garages, patios, and more.

We pulled out portions of the Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act that are most relevant to become accustomed with if you plan on having work done in the future. The truth is there are many “landscapers” who do not follow these requirements that are implemented to protect the consumer. Make sure the landscaper you’ve hired complies with each of these seven edicts or else you’re destined for some serious problems. Continue reading