
Benefits of Fall Fertilizing

Fall is officially here: time to fertilize! Wait, what? Why now? Fall is the ideal time to fertilize your lawn and garden to give it a strong, healthy start come spring. At Hively, we know the benefits of fertilizing your lawn during the cooler fall months; here are some great reasons to invest the time into your lawn now, so it looks great and requires less effort in the spring.

The Weather is Perfect

Cool mornings and evenings provide the perfect conditions for fertilizing. The fertilizer does best in cooler temperatures, and by avoiding the midday sun, your lawn will allow maximum absorption in the shortest time. Continue reading

Fall is For Overseeding

patchy lawn

If you’re like us, you appreciate a great-looking lawn surrounding your beautiful home. Maintaining that lawn takes a lot of work, and the steps you take in the fall can help ensure you’re greeted by a lush, green lawn next year.

If you’ve already followed our advice on the benefits of aerating your lawn, the next step to fall lawn care is overseeding. Fall is the perfect time for overseeding your lawn if you’re looking to repair thin or bare areas. Overseeding in the fall is preferred for several reasons, including:

  • There are shorter, milder temperature days
  • Seed better retains moisture and avoids drying out
  • There is less competition from weeds

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lawn aerator

5 Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn

One of the most beneficial treatments you can provide for your lawn is aeration. Core aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from the lawn, which reduces the compaction of your soil and promotes root growth. This is the preferred method among landscape professionals like Hively; the alternative, spike aeration, simply pokes holes, which is much less effective and can actually cause further soil compaction.

In the fall, when your turf switches gears from top growth to root growth, aeration provides water and nutrients better access to these roots, which helps it grow thicker and healthier. If you overseed this time of year, aeration also helps maximize soil-to-seed contact, which means you’ll be seeing more of your freshly planted seed sprouting.

If you’re considering aerating your lawn, there are several benefits we want to bring to your attention that may help illustrate the importance of this service. Continue reading


Trimming vs Edging

Trimming and edging are two different techniques that are often improperly defined as one in the same. Today, we want to help you understand the differences between the two and share a few tips on getting the most out of each of these handy landscape maintenance tasks.


Trimming performed with a string or line trimmer (a “weed whacker” to some) is recognized as horizontal cuts made to eliminate any unnecessary grass or weeds. Most commonly, you would perform trimming on any areas of your lawn that the mower can’t easily reach, such as around mailboxes, along the home’s exterior or fences, or near delicate trees and shrubs. Continue reading

Help! There Are Mushrooms in My Mulch

mushroom growing in mulch

Why are there so many mushrooms in my mulch and grass?!  We’ve heard this question A LOT this year and the short answer is; its been really wet and rainy! While harmless to plants, mushrooms can be an ugly addition to your flower bed; if eaten by a curious child or pet, it could make them sick.

The good news is that there are several ways to get rid of these unsightly additions. The experts at Hively have put together a list of the most effective ways to combat mushrooms appearing in your mulch beds. Follow the advice below to win back your beds! Continue reading

looking through a shade structure over a backyard pool complete with outdoor lighting at dusk

Tips for Dramatic Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting is a great way to improve the appearance, safety and accessibility of your home and landscape.  Whether you have simple a simple walkway or a large outdoor living area, your outdoor space will benefit from being in the spotlight.  Like many projects, outdoor lighting can seem overwhelming but you don’t need to be afraid of the light!

Here are several things we consider when designing a new lighting project, they’ll help you, too. Continue reading

Team Spotlight: Jeff Barker

Jeff Barker - Senior Crew Leader/Yard Captain We wanted to help you get to know the team behind the great reputation at Hively Landscapes with our team spotlight series. Jeff Barker, Senior Crew Leader/Yard Captain, was kind enough to join us on the hot seat and answer a few questions.

Learn more about what Jeff had to say below!

Q: What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
A: The one thing I couldn’t live without is my family.

Q: What’s the coolest (or most important) trend you see today?Continue reading

lawn sprinkler spraying water

Lawn Care Tips During a Drought

The summer heat can take its toll on your lawn, especially when it’s accompanied by a lack of rain. If you want to avoid a brown, patchy lawn, there are a few steps you can take to help give your lawn the best chance to stay green and healthy.


It all begins with your mowing habits. Summer droughts and long periods without rain can cause stress to your lawn. If you mow your lawn too short, or with a dull blade, additional stress is caused and will make it difficult for the grass to recover once cooler temperatures and rain return. Limit your mowing as much as possible and make a conscious effort to mow your grass on a higher setting. Continue reading

stink bug on a shrub

Summertime Pest Control

You aren’t the only one who is enjoying the warm summer weather. This is prime season for a variety of common pests we encounter in south-central Pennsylvania. Whether you’re in the midst of a battle with mosquitoes, wasps, ticks, fleas, or another pest, the good news is there is something you can do to fight back.

Rather than dealing with these threats to the health and safety of yourself or your loved ones, it’s time to reclaim your landscape! Keep these tips in mind when summer hits and you’ll be able to enjoy your yard year-round. Continue reading

beach with seagulls flying over the ocean and beach

Lawn & Landscape Care While You’re Away

Summer is here and it’s time to get away! When you’re working through your list of to-do’s before and during your vacation, be sure your lawn and landscape gets the attention it needs. A few simple tasks now can mean the difference between coming home to dead plants, brown grass, and unruly weeds, or your lawn and landscape appearing like you never even left.

Preparation is the key to success when it comes to your lawn and landscape. Whether your vacation lasts for a week or it stretches beyond two weeks, one of the best tips for keeping your lawn and landscape cared for while your away is some simple prep work.

Vacationing for a week or less?Continue reading