Category: Landscape Maintenance

lawn aerator

5 Benefits of Aerating Your Lawn

One of the most beneficial treatments you can provide for your lawn is aeration. Core aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from the lawn, which reduces the compaction of your soil and promotes root growth. This is the preferred method among landscape professionals like Hively; the alternative, spike aeration, simply pokes holes, which is much less effective and can actually cause further soil compaction.

In the fall, when your turf switches gears from top growth to root growth, aeration provides water and nutrients better access to these roots, which helps it grow thicker and healthier. If you overseed this time of year, aeration also helps maximize soil-to-seed contact, which means you’ll be seeing more of your freshly planted seed sprouting.

If you’re considering aerating your lawn, there are several benefits we want to bring to your attention that may help illustrate the importance of this service. Continue reading


Trimming vs Edging

Trimming and edging are two different techniques that are often improperly defined as one in the same. Today, we want to help you understand the differences between the two and share a few tips on getting the most out of each of these handy landscape maintenance tasks.


Trimming performed with a string or line trimmer (a “weed whacker” to some) is recognized as horizontal cuts made to eliminate any unnecessary grass or weeds. Most commonly, you would perform trimming on any areas of your lawn that the mower can’t easily reach, such as around mailboxes, along the home’s exterior or fences, or near delicate trees and shrubs. Continue reading

Help! There Are Mushrooms in My Mulch

mushroom growing in mulch

Why are there so many mushrooms in my mulch and grass?!  We’ve heard this question A LOT this year and the short answer is; its been really wet and rainy! While harmless to plants, mushrooms can be an ugly addition to your flower bed; if eaten by a curious child or pet, it could make them sick.

The good news is that there are several ways to get rid of these unsightly additions. The experts at Hively have put together a list of the most effective ways to combat mushrooms appearing in your mulch beds. Follow the advice below to win back your beds! Continue reading

beach with seagulls flying over the ocean and beach

Lawn & Landscape Care While You’re Away

Summer is here and it’s time to get away! When you’re working through your list of to-do’s before and during your vacation, be sure your lawn and landscape gets the attention it needs. A few simple tasks now can mean the difference between coming home to dead plants, brown grass, and unruly weeds, or your lawn and landscape appearing like you never even left.

Preparation is the key to success when it comes to your lawn and landscape. Whether your vacation lasts for a week or it stretches beyond two weeks, one of the best tips for keeping your lawn and landscape cared for while your away is some simple prep work.

Vacationing for a week or less?Continue reading

landscaped pool

Landscaping Around a Pool

Pool season is in full swing! If you are a confident do-it-yourselfer who would like to do some refreshing of the area around your pool, we have some tips to help you do it right.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when landscaping around your pool, as it comes with very different requirements than elsewhere in your landscape.  The main goals of landscaping around a pool typically include:

  • Minimizing debris in the pool
  • Providing privacy
  • Eliminating thorns, spines, spikes and bees
  • No invasive roots
  • Planning for low maintenance

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Preparing your Landscape for Summer

Summer will be here before you know it- will your landscape be ready? Hot summer days and dry weather can really stress your lawn and landscape. Without proper preparation for summer, all the money, time and effort you invested in your landscape this spring could be in jeopardy.

To keep your lawn and landscape looking great as the summer heats up, follow these tips from the landscape professionals at Hively. Continue reading

Advantages & Disadvantages of Drip Irrigation

spigot with hose attachedDeep, penetrating watering is the best way to ensure your landscape survives the stresses of the warm season. Proper watering technique calls for watering less frequently, but more at one time, to give your garden a quality soaking that gives roots a sufficient supply of water. This is better than the quick surface watering you see by less experienced gardeners.

For commercial landscapes, as well as larger residential landscapes, a drip irrigation system can be an effective alternative to hiring a landscaping crew or doing the task yourself.

Drip irrigation is a more controlled watering method than using a surface sprinkler or a hose. It uses plastic tubes that distribute water along the length of the system through small holes. These holes connect to emitters that are set near your plants and allow for watering at a slow and very thorough rate. Continue reading

garden prep

Spring Soil Preparation Tips

Some of us want to grow the best looking plants each year, ones that will flourish and become the envy of the neighborhood. Others don’t share that dream, but if you’re one of those who does, we have some tips from the landscape professionals here at Hively to help transform your garden into something special. Follow these guidelines and your landscape will be on its way to being the best-looking property for miles around.

First, Test the Soil

The most important thing you can do for your landscape is a simple soil test. A soil test will help ensure landscape success by revealing pH and nutrient levels in your soil. With this information you can correct soil abnormalities, improving the effectiveness of fertilizers, helping the grass grow, and improving long-term resistance to pests and diseases. Spring is a great time to get your soil tested and corrected. Continue reading

8 Springtime Pests That Will Destroy Your Landscape

gypsy moth caterpillarDo you know who else enjoys the warm-up that springtime brings each year? Pests! Putting all that time, effort and money into your landscape helps it look great. Left untreated, though, it also looks great to hungry critters who may be hiding in your landscape. Warm, moist landscapes are the perfect breeding ground for a variety of fungi and diseases.

Warning signs of a problem include dieback, defoliation, and discoloration. If you begin to notice any of these, immediate action must be taken to avoid eventual damage and possible death. Continue reading

backyard pool and hardscaped area

Top 5 Things to Ask Your Landscaping Company

Great landscaping companies do far more than just routine maintenance. While there are countless projects you can hire a landscaping company for, there’s not an unlimited number of companies capable of doing a great job.

How well you research and qualify these companies can mean the difference between a great looking landscape and one that can actually end up costing you MORE money. Picking the wrong landscaping partner may just mean a bad trim job, but in the worst case, you can be stuck with expensive legal bills should an accident occur.

Fortunately, you can screen out the bad apples with a bit of effort. We’ve taken some time to put together a simple, straightforward list of questions you should ask.

  1. Are you licensed and insured?

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